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작성자 test008
댓글 0건 조회 1회 작성일 24-10-19 10:33


Nevertheless, the reason why the Seoul Horse Association rejected the  final proposal for horse racing innovation is that the Korean Horse As  sociation failed to come up with supplementary measures to dispel t  he concerns of related organizations about the integration of mountain areas and distrust   of the organizations that are deeply rooted in the domestic horse racing  world. Many horse rac  ing-related organizations, which say the Seoul Horse Association's  decision to reject the horse racing innovation plan is a foreseen step, point out that the integration of mountain areas, the upper limit of the introduction of foreig  n horses, and the opening of the horse racing market can cause serious problems that could kill  domestic horse production, which requires a cautious approach, but overlooks the prob  lems that the horse society can derive in the process only  for the purpose of entering Part 2.


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