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작성자 test008
댓글 0건 조회 2회 작성일 24-10-22 10:21


Regular dental care, whether it is a racehorse or a passenger  horse, prevents other diseases and makes digestion relatively easy, so it helps them li   ve to their lifespan. I am very happy that Pukyong of the Korean Horse Association invited me again this time. I am always interested in racehorse teeth, and I t   hink I have spread the impor   tance of dental care when I came to Seoul. Since I have continued schedules such as Jeju and Pukyong, I would like to talk about many things about racehorse teeth in Korea. This is not the only activities of Jeo   ng Yeong-sik facing each other. At the    end of 2015, Jeong Yeo   ng-sik donated 100 million won to the unde   rprivileged at the retirement ceremony of Indie Band, which was considered the representative hor   se of the year and the filial son in 2013.


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