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작성자 test008
댓글 0건 조회 2회 작성일 24-10-22 14:11


 It was either a good deed or a first-in-first-out attempt. He didn't think he would recruit someone from behind even if it was 2000 meters, and he only had seven heads to participate in the event, instructing his riders to either do a good deed or a first-in-first-out attempt if he didn't overd o it. "Haemaru" is a very difficult horse to develop, but he seemed to have easily taken good steps in the early stages. Among Korean horses aged four and over in Seoul, he thou ght that "Haemaru" was ranked s a strong player. Mo reover, he jumped 2,000 meters a lot in the past, and judged that it was a good condition to try, so he came to participate in the event without much burden. The training pattern has not chhttp://horsesite77.comanged much. Until now, he had always been in good condition, but t here were s ome things where his d evelopment did n http://horsesite77.comot go well, and he also had a bad starting point, which overlapped with bad conditions.


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