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작성자 test008
댓글 0건 조회 2회 작성일 24-10-26 16:48


It was formed in 2002 by parents of children with Frederick Willie syndrome in    Korea. Initially, the hospital linked it to form small groups, and hormone injections were also supported. Since j http://horsesite77.comoining the patient group is not compulsory, it currently has about 240 members. This syndrome is not clearly visible to the eye, so t http://horsesite77.comhere are many cases where you may be suffering from it. These days, it can be seen by genetic testing in advance at hospitals, but ading to excessive parents. Since it is a borderline intellectual disability, I believe there are many more children with intellectual disabilities. I have been serving as the patient group chairman since July 2015. It started with the suggestion of Professor Jin Dong-gyu of Samsung Medica l Center. For the child's rehabilitation, I went to a pediatric rehabilitation hospital rather than a tertiary hospital such


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