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작성자 test008
댓글 0건 조회 2회 작성일 24-11-13 17:15


The Hanoverian Association in Germany also   improved the variety to make excellent horses. Breed improvement is not the so-called "hybrid" pr oduction. We will foc us on fostering Korean-style horseback riding by pro ducing excellent varieties t hat fit our situation and have low production costs. Since it is my first time, I have a lot of to do and a lot of homework to solve, such as financial problems. Nevertheless, we will establish the foundation well within five years, not a prestigious association, and grow it into an a ssociation that represents production farms. This is b ecause the production cost is higher than expected. Although artificial inse mination has been performed in Ja ngsu since 2013, the production cost is set at least 10 million won when the schedule such as preg nancy tests is delayed than originally, or when the transportatio n cost and market expenses are included, the production cost is rai sed for about two years.


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